New Year’s Cards

These started out as shameless marketing tools featuring my characters, but when my daughter was born I realized she’s an even better character. Now they chronicle her Halloween costumes (and sometimes mine) and…well, I guess they’re still marketing tools, just weirder.

2022 Card: Year of the Kitty (and Susan, Death’s Granddaughter from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels). The kid wanted to be a kitty. The Death of the Discworld loves cats. I guess it works?

2021 Card: Year of the Jedi. Our most “homemade” costume yet, involving lots of electrical tape and random items from the Home Depot plumbing aisle.

2020 Holiday Card: Year of the Cowgirl. It was a digital-only edition; printed cards to be resumed (hopefully) in future years. Horsey represents an actual prop I made by stuffing one of those horse head masks with cotton batting and tying it to a s…

2020 Card: Year of the Cowgirl. I made her “horsey” by stuffing one of those horse head masks with cotton batting and tying it to a stick. Yes, I am brilliant, thank you.

2019 Holiday Card: Year of the Book Witch (and that’s me as Crowley from Good Omens). Prop broom constructed by me with deadwood from the yard and some battery-powered LED lights to make it extra-magical.

2019 Card: Year of the Book Witch (and I am Crowley from Good Omens). I made the broom from deadwood gathered in the yard and some battery-powered LED lights for sparkle.

2018 Holiday Card: Year of the Mummy (with the Girl Avenger is her backup, in my Girl Han Solo costume).

2018 Card: Year of the Mummy (and mommy is Girl Han Solo). Our Girl Avenger masks are vestigial (see earlier editions).

2017 Holiday Card: Year of Supergirl (in this case, “Super B”). The Girl Avenger is there to make sure she doesn’t fall off the roof.

2017 Card: Year of Supergirl (A.K.A. “Super B”). Girl Avenger is there to make sure the kid doesn’t fall off the roof.

2016 Holiday Card: Year of Elsa Vader (or Darth Elsa, if you prefer).

2016 Card: Year of the Elsa Vader (or Darth Elsa, if you prefer).

2015 Holiday Card": Year of the Bat. (“Not BatGIRL,” she insisted. “BatMAN!!”)

2015 Card: Year of the Bat. (“Not BatGIRL,” the kid chided me. “BatMAN!!”)

2014 Holiday Card: Year of the Space Explorer. I think she was a kitty for Halloween, which was clearly not grandiose enough for me.

2014 Card: Year of the Astronaut. I think she was a kitty for Halloween, which was apparently not grandiose enough for me.

2013 Holiday Card: Year of the Baby, A.K.A. the year my life became extra-chaotic and extra-interesting.

2013 Card: Year of the Baby, also the year my life became extra-chaotic and extra-interesting.

2012 Holiday Card: Girl Avenger and Friends Go Adventuring.

2012 Card: Girl Avenger and Friends Go Adventuring.

2011 Holiday Card: Girl Avenger and Friends Hang Out At Home.

2011 Card: Girl Avenger and Friends Hang Out At Home.

2010 Holiday Card: Elgin and Friends Build a Rocket Ship (not at all ripped off from Wallace and Gromit).

2010 Card: Elgin and Friends Build a Rocket Ship (not at all ripped off from Wallace and Gromit).


Elgin the Robot


Cowgirl Boots