Robot Elephant Branding

Quirky, modern and wise: the “TV-head” elephant I created in 2007 fit my brand, but the initial identity direction wasn’t quite right. A softer color palette and crisp Avant Garde type paired with a hand-lettered tagline achieved the right balance. Note the way the logotype’s perfectly round “o”s reflect the elephant’s eyes. I enjoyed experimenting with pen and ink for the tagline.

Robot Elephant logotype with handwritten tagline.

Robot Elephant logotype with hand-lettered tagline.

Robot Elephant identity variants.

Robot Elephant identity variants.

Robot Elephant original stationery package. I decided to create my stationery using custom stamps. I ordered a few different modules I thought would be easy to combine to create business cards, letterhead and envelopes, as well as any other quick co…

Robot Elephant stationery package: custom stamps in black ink on plain kraft-brown stock (Nenah Environment paper in Desert Storm). Modular stamps could be combined as needed to print business cards, letterhead and envelopes. This approach tested the open, readable nature of my chosen typography—stamping can blot and distort the lettering, even if done carefully. I created a registration template for the stamps to ensure a tidy result consistent with my design comps. In the end, the idea proved too cumbersome to be practical.

Robot Elephant original website, the last version I hand-coded from scratch.

Robot Elephant website version 2, hand-coded old-school with my basic HTML4 and CSS skills.

Robot Elephant website version 1, hand-coded old-school with my basic HTML4 and CSS skills.

Robot Elephant promotional poster. The goal of this poster (ca. 2011) was to demonstrate how years of largely menial design tasks at my day job did, in fact, add up to a lot of experience and plenty of innovative intelligence that had been working, …

Robot Elephant promotional poster (ca. 2011). Brief: rebrand the mostly menial tasks I’d been doing at my design day job for years in a way that made me sound heroic rather than unambitious.

Robot Elephant brand mark development. A succession of robotic elephants led to the final mark, a marvel of simplicity in comparison to its predecessors.

Robot Elephant brand mark development. A succession of robotic elephants led to the final mark.

Robot Elephant icon set development. Along with all those elephants, I was working on a series of tiny icons to identify different sections of my online portfolio. The bent nail represented “failed experiments.”

Robot Elephant icon set development, designed to identify sections of my online portfolio. The bent nail represented “failed experiments.”

Robot Elephant early home page design comp for a never-launched portfolio (ca. 2009), displaying the old Robot Elephant logotype – Officina Sans, with an eye-popping amount of tracking, its unreadability exacerbated by the red background. I still lo…

Robot Elephant early website design comp displaying an earlier type treatment—Officina Sans, with an eye-popping amount of tracking. I don’t mind the “pow” marks around the icons.

Robot Elephant early landing page design comp, unused. This stacked-TV look still grabs my attention (cringing again at that tracking on the text). I planned to present my portfolio navigation as a grid of old-school TV sets, with any unfilled place…

Robot Elephant early website design comp. This stacked-TV look still grabs my attention. I intended to illustrate the site’s navigation as a grid of old-school TV sets with thumbnails on the screens. Any unfilled placeholders would display the jaggy “static” lines instead. It was 2007. Don’t judge me.


Schoolcrush Brand Update


TCW Graphic Design Branding